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Final touches to prototype, documentation, portfolio website | Nils | Week 16/17/18

During these last few weeks of IMT&S, it was mostly wrapping up the project, such as fixing bugs, implementing small features and documenting my work. Other than that, I mainly worked on my portfolio website.

Small features


To polish the prototype a bit more, I decided to add some small features. These features were the ability to change the speed at which the ChatGPT output was streamed to the screen word-for-word.

The other feature was the ability to enable/disable the AI voice. This allows the client to save money, since the text-to-speech API is one of the most expensive parts (but still very cheap) of the prototype.


Documentation is important, so that the tech department at the theatre they are planning to create, can understand my workflow and recreate and improve on it with their own product. At least, that's assuming they receive our work. Besides that, it's good practice for me to document projects for a proper portfolio piece.

That's why I have written a document (Documentation ChatGPT prototype.pdf/docx in the hand-ins) describing the overall setup of the project, grouped blueprint nodes by functionality and commented all functions in the python code. It explains all the python functions.

Portfolio website

A few weeks ago, I didn't have anything online that I was proud of or what I thought was presentable to assessors, let alone employees of an internship company. During year 2, I worked on a website concept (, but I was never really happy with it.

That's why I started from the ground up and wrote my current project ( That is what I worked on the most during the last weeks of IMT&S. Since having our product presented in an online portfolio is part of the grading/preconditions, it was important to be able to have somewhat finished my portfolio website, or at least have it functional.

I had the idea to develop a programmer's terminal/CMD type of environment, which could be used to retrieve files from my server, read its contents and display that on the website. I'm quite happy with the result (still with plenty of stuff to fix and improve), although I will probably also develop a second website which is more easy to navigate. This is for the people that do not have the time to figure out how the terminal works, or those that have to experience with terminals whatsoever.

For this, I decided to make a new learning goal which relates to web development, both front end and back end. This means that I worked with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. At first, I used a JavaScript library called ThreeJS, but as the concept evolved, I found out I didn't really need its functionality. Instead, I decided to completely convert the project to use HTML/CSS elements, instead of letting ThreeJS generate that content. Now it runs much smoother, since the rendering of HTML is way more efficient than how ThreeJS handled that. It is also much easier to adapt to different screensizes with media queries.


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