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Planning & brainstorming | Cristian - Week 2/3

Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype

For our first client meeting I prepared by looking into the whole topic of AI and aimed to get inspired by different media sources that tackle this subject or showcase the theme of AI itself.

As such by researching with the other team members we are able to make a pretty generous list of references ranging from movies and tv series to video games and writes.

I also looked into interactive installations that used AI in order to see how the AI is implemented in the whole experience and how the audience interacts with it.

Besides concepting and researching the project topic, I also started researching about planning and management for the project. I looked into different ways of planning structures that could work for us and tried to highlight some important aspects to keep in mind for setting up the entire structure.

Afterwards, I started designing a planning structure for the entire IMT&S period as this would provide us with a complete overview and better feel of the time that we have at our disposal. I decided to try to combine agile and designing thinking methodologies and design the planning table around both of them.

After designing the table in AdobeXD, I translated the design within an excel sheet as this would allow everyone to easily edit the table and view it.

Furthermore, I brainstormed a Trello structure with another team from our studio in order to keep track of all team members' tasks throughout each sprint. We made two template cards that included all the necessary elements, one for a task and one for a milestone. Of course, these templates were to be used a general guideline, but depending on the nature of a task, the card itself could always be changed or simplified (e.g. tasks for the whole team don't need a "reviewer" checklist).

Finally, we decided on a management strategy for using the Trello board and the general planning sheet. As a general consensus, the excel sheet was to be used at the start and finish of a sprint in order to plan the tasks for a sprint and by the end see an overview of what was achieved compared to the initial proposal as well as having a general understanding of the current state of the project and keeping track of the remaining time, sprint periods and holidays. The Trello board itself was to be used throughout each sprint for tracking the progress of each task or if necessary add new tasks that have a higher priority compared to the initial ones.


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