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Project AI Theatre - January | Level Design

Tags: Define, Ideate

Foreword: January, same as November, was a bit of a mess; it was partially productive and partially unproductive. I did create new level blockout/scenarios for the Trailer, however they did not get used due to technical difficulties. The Trailer took a lot of time from us, which decreased the productivity but in the end, we can say we have finished the project successfully.

For the Trailer, the idea was to use the Metahuman to explain our concept, while showing the motion tracking, facial tracking and the environment. We spent an entire day recording footage for the trailer. We had Artemis as an Actor, Emanuel working with the tracking software, Niels with the Script and me with the sound recording. The recording session was cut due to battery issues; our motion tracking suit ran out of battery so we couldn't do any more recordings. However, we did manage to record multiple takes, one of them being the full rundown of the script.

After this Emanuel worked on adding the animations inside Unreal Engine, while I worked on creating the environments for the scene. We wanted to show that any environment can be made virtually. So, because of this statement, we decided to pick 2 random environments and recreate them inside Unreal Engine. We have picked Abandoned Warehouse and Mine. The assets for this environments were not create by us, we took the assets from Quixel Megascans (Link). This is a library with thousands of 3D models of the highest quality, all of them being completely free as long as they are being used inside Unreal Engine only.

When it comes to research, there wasn't much done. I just took some pictures of Abandoned Warehouses and Mines and tried to recreate them using those Quixel Assets.

These were the 2 environments that we created extra only for the trailer. The main environment which is the courtroom was created already by Nona.

Unfortunately, this environments did not end up in the final trailer, due to issues with the motion tracking suit; once again, issues beyond our controls which would probably take too long to solve. There was only one suit available for us, and that suit had an error, so fixing it would take too long (we weren't the ones fixing it, it would have been XRLab.)

In the end the month ended quite fast, felt like last week was the first week on January. I will post a reflection of the entire project in a different post; this post being the last post regarding my progress.


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