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Character concept|Nikoleta -Week 3&4

Emphatize, Define, Ideate

3 characters

After collaborating on the story and concept of the production, I was tasked to create a visual design for our three central characters. The three characters are symbols of the different sides of the argument and their design must show a clear idea of that they stand for.

the prosecutor

This character is a synthetic/AI/robot or defending the machines in the scenario. They must look dominant and superior in contrast to the human to show that in this world machines have already surpassed humans and they may have a right to demand freedom. The prosecutor while intimating must also be attractive otherwise they will be an obvious villain which is not the point of this character.


the first symbol the came to mind was revolution. I settles for the color red to represent in because I didn’t want to associate the character with human revolutions- in this debate he represents a different purpose more calculated.

For that reason I settles for an all black suit. It is the color for power and the clear cut silhouette gives the feeling of a strong dependable figure. It is also slick and modern- robots caring about fashion hints that they keep up with innovation in every possible way.

Finally the face had to e perfect beyond human features. He is completely symmetric, synthetic skin without blemishes and perfect combed hair.

the human representative

The human is an opposite to the prosecutor, serving the purpose of an inadequate defender for the people. This is so the audience can be compelled to think for themselves and engage. The defendant cannot be trusted to do his job.

There were 2 ways to approach this – the human could be an average looking man that represents humanity as a whole and the uncertain chaotic clashing of everyone's opinions. He must look out of place – wrong size clothes, sweating, anxious showing too much feeling during the argument.

The other approach was to make the defendant a nihilistic uncaring person that represents another large part of the collective opinion on AI. He would hide his face because it doesn’t mater who he is he represents the people who would rather not face the problem or simply not care enough to engage. His lack of interest can be represented by his casual clothes and messy hair while wearing a formal jacket on top just to call attention to how unprepared he is.

the judge

The judge will be a background figure that has the only purpose of grabbing the audience’s attention at certain parts of the experience. It is not an actual character wit ha personality but a perfect machine with impeccable unbiased judgment.

There was much discussion on how to approach this character since making it a machine is not just t owards the humans but at the same time a machine is much more efficient in this matter.

In the end the character was inspired by the common symbol of justice and it is an overshadowing figure that looms over the audience. Connected with cables to the walls it feels like it might be the room itself.


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