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Defining different concepts | Cristian - Week 4

Define, Ideate

After our first client meeting, we discussed within the team and decided that for our next meeting we should present around 3 different concepts to the client in order to have a better understanding of their likes, dislikes, wants and needs. It was important that the concepts featured different types of elements, interactions, scale and style in order for us to know which approach to take and what type of installation should we make (something more art focused or more gamified, simple or complex narrative, etc.). As such, I proposed a plan of approach for achieving this milestone. We would start off by each one of us brainstorming our own concept(s), then share and discuss each concept and finally use elements from all of the individual concepts to define 3 final concepts that we all agree upon and that fit within the project's requirements and limitations.

For my concept, I decided to go for sandbox type room approach, where different physical and/or digital interactive AI installations would be present in the room for the audience to interact with. The installations would showcase different uses of AI tools such as small games, art creation, technical possibilities, etc., while fitting within a certain theme and style alongside the set dressing that would ideally immerse the audience in this "playground". The inspiration for this came from different interactive museums that provide this type of experience, one of them also being the Museum of the Future in Enschede.

We ended up using my concept as one of the main concepts and presented it to our client after refining it a bit more and visualizing it through some sketches and references.


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