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What is the Assignment | Team - Week 2

Empathize, Define

We've got our first meeting set with Anders and Peer from Det Norske Teatret for next Wednesday, September 20th, 2023. Our first main goal was to dive into the assignment, figuring out what it means for us and how it fits with our learning goals.

We defined the assignment as the following. "Create an immersive theatre installation on the concept of AI, where the audience can participate and immerse themselves in the experience and start conversations about the future of AI"​

To get ready for our first meeting. We tasked ourselves to either read or watch Karel Čapeks's R.U.R. play as it was the main reference material given to us by the clients. But we also looked at other intellectual properties touching on similar themes. We also looked at different interactive and immersive theatre and checking out various plays and exhibitions that currently exist to see what resonates with our assignment or what would be cool.

After all this research, we had a brainstorming session to come up with different approaches to the assignment. We were aiming for solutions that meet the assignments criteria while also hopefully fitting our learning goals.

In short, we did as much groundwork to make sure our meeting with Anders and Peer goes smoothly and we're ready to tackle this project.

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