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Oslo Trip planning and preparation | Cristian - Week 7/8

As we were presented with the opportunity of going to Oslo to meet with the client and test our work within dedicated project space, I took it upon myself to help with the planning of this trip alongside our team leader, Emanuel, in order to also contribute to one of my learning goals.

The trip was scheduled to happen somewhere between the 20th to 26th of November as the client and black box room we're available 23rd and 24th of November. While Emanuel worked on the communication side and getting funding four our trip, I looked into transport costs, accommodation options and costs and other expenses. Furthermore, we also discussed and created an outline of what kind of testing are we going to conduct at the theatre, which elements and installation pieces can we test and what hardware or tools do wee need in order to test.

Travel and accommodation


To get to Oslo we would go by plane from Schiphol Airport. In terms of the flight there we're multiple airlines available but we decided to go with KLM for our trip. To get to Schiphol we went by train from Enschede and similarly in Oslo, we took Flytoget train express from the Oslo Gardermoen Airport to Oslo Central Station. If necessary, within Oslo, all public transport is covered by a general pass ticket that we could purchase for a couple of days.

In terms of accommodation our options consisted mostly of Airbnbs or hotels. We agreed that based on our preferences the best option was to rent two Airbnbs. Three people would be staying in one of them and the others in the second one. It was also important that the location of the Airbnbs would be close to each other and the theatre or have a direct public transport route to the theatre. To centralize all possible accommodations, I made a spreadsheet where I also kept track of the price per night, estimated time to get to the theatre, transport type and available dates.

Accommodation spreadsheet

On-site testing


When deciding what to test in Oslo, we aimed to prioritize elements that couldn't have been showcased or tested in a different environment and that would be valuable for the client to see live in the actual black box room instead of through a screen via Teams. Furthermore, presenting and testing with other people that would be involved in the project, such as actors or stage engineers would also provide a different perspective on which elements or idea are suitable or need to be changed/removed.

In order for us and the client had a clear overview of the testing procedure and elements, we created a document to outline all the tests that we wanted to conduct and dividing them in crucial and non-crucial. By doing this, we would aim to prioritize testing certain things and based on the time that we had left, dive into the more optional tests.


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