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Concept Visualization | Emanuel - Week 4

Define, Ideate

Last week we had our first meeting with our client, we got answers and feedback and got to work on narrowing down 3 vastly different concepts. For this I set out together with the other Artist, Niki and Nona, to create concept art and/or sketches for the concepts in order to give a visual idea of the concept and it's possibilities. We split the concepts as there were 3. I took the second concept, Sandbox "Inside the AI". I saw this concept as a way to teach the audience experiencing this room the ins and outs of AI, it's ethical uses and misuses but also some fun tech to play around with. The first thing was to figure out what are certain installations that could be fun to create. Two of these installations were titled "My opinion and "Make yourself" My opinion This installation was based on "audio tours" where the users in museums wear headphones and listens to either a guide or a relevant story to the art piece/installation. Sort of an "Audio Storytelling Installation". Similar to Voices of War from the imperial war museum in London. Where you can listen to audioscapes from people who had diverse experiences of war in victory. In this installation you find a booth with 4 screens. Each screen has a playlist of videos playing back to back of everyday people talking about how AI has affected their live, both positive stories and more negative stories. It would be in the style of an interview similar to documentaries and professionals talking about the topic at hand. This was to try and show how AI as a tool is very powerful when the tool is weaponized but also very helpful when the tool exist to better the life's of people. Examples of stories could range from "Being the victim of being used for AI generated pornographic images non-consensually" and "StorySign app, a deaf child who can now read any book as this app translates words to sign language via an avatar"

Make Yourself

This concept aims to teach the user about deepfakes. Deepfakes are a huge conversation piece in this climate with many underlying issues. Deepfake technology has been used to create videos of politicians appearing to make statements or taking actions that they never actually performed. Or to create videos in which celebrities are shown engaging in inappropriate or scandalous behavior. Deepfakes have also been used to create videos of false confessions or incriminating evidence against individuals. And this technology very often gets used to superimpose the faces of celebrities or public figures onto pornographic videos, creating fake "sex tapes" without their consent.

Overall, the rise of deepfake technology poses significant challenges in terms of misinformation, privacy, and digital manipulation, highlighting the need for increased awareness and regulation to address these issues. However, it was one of the terms mentioned by the clients, so we wanted to see what type of installations could be made with this technology in mind. Although hologram tech isn't advanced enough to create convincing holograms. There are contraptions that can be made to get the hologram effect.

The idea was to create a similar contraption for the hologram but in a smaller scale like The Epic by Proto. and have several body types you can pick from and then get your face "scanned" and superimposed onto the 3D models face. In more simple terms, a picture gets take of a persons face and used as a texture on top of a 3D modelled face with no 3D features to get a "dirty" replication of a person.

In this installation you can make a 3D avatar of yourself but also read about the negative and positive applications of deepfakes, while also explaining what this technology is, and also that what they just performed is not a deepfake but merely a very fast inaccurate 3D avatar.

After giving this installation more thought, it would be as successful. Although there seem to be some positive applications of deepfakes, such as recreating historical events with approximations of famous historical figures, it is still an unethical practice if you cannot obtain the consent of the person whose deepfake you are creating.

After creating a quick sketch to give an idea of what the installations within the room could be I also made a inaccurate top down view of what the room could be. with a bunch of installations scattered around for audience members to walk through, creating more or less an Artificial Intelligence Installation.

When we presented this to the client this week, we got as feedback that he concept in it of itself is cute, but not fitting of the space. It's a relatively didactic experience that would fit a museum really well, were groups of people can go in and out and interact with a installation with 1 or two people, so the group experience they were looking for would be missing,. because of this, this concept was scrapped. Learning Goal 2: Concept Art As an Artist I want to be able to tell compelling visual stories during IMT&S by creating concept art and sketches based on visual research on what the theatre production could be and what it could look like to the audience and the teams behind the project. This way I can showcase my concepting expertise to any employer. Although the concept art created in this week was very simple and crude it aims to help visualize the ideas we had in mind. It became apparent at this time that i would not be creating concept art for the play itself until we narrow down our concept.


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