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Oslo Trip | Team - Week 11


From the period of the 22nd of November and the 25th of November we got the opportunity to go to Oslo in order to test the following aspects of our project.

  • Concept Feedback and brainstorm more ideas

  • The first blockout of the scene projected

  • MetaHuman LiveLinkFace input from professional actress

    • Does it feel good enough to act without your body

  • ChatGPT Implementation

    • Can the actress read responses?

    • How feasible is it to expect actors to read from a TV as their response on the fly

    • Audio input

    • Response and input in different languagas

  • Discuss deliverables

Day 1 This day we presented a simplified and shortened version of the mid-term presentation to the crew members present and as a refresher to the clients. This led to us then setting the project, setting up the projection screen and starting. however. We got network problems with the IPhone, our devices didn't recognize the IPhone meaning we couldn't use live link until we fixed it. With ChatGPT we also had issues that meant Nils had to spent the rest of the day fixing the problem. Since we were all new with Unreal it took the first day to really fix everything. However we got to discuss certain things the first day regarding the concept and the art with the client. Day 2

Day 2 was very fruitful and we managed a lot, we had a talk with a CEO of NetNordic, one of Oslo's leading who showcased some new stuff with ChatGPT that we didn't have access to since we used an API. But it was a good option to look into and Nils knew we could get something similar. We got to test with an actress in order to see how well live link worked, by making her read the script provided by ChatGPT both in English and Norwegian. We tested how well the ChatGPT application handled audio input from different volumes and distances, including having background noise. This day proved to be very insightful to understand what the rest of the project would be like. We knew where to focus from now on and were ready to continue as we went back to the Netherlands. Every team member will have their own reflection and post about this trip with their own insights.

Oslo trip summary: 

  • Tested MetaHuman LiveLinkFace with Actress

  • Test ChatGPT prompt response, TTS, STT

  • Expand on possibilities and limitations with the presented technology and tools

  • Gathered feedback from client, dramaturgs, actor, NetNordic director about the tools usage, flow of interactions ( actor to software, audience to software)

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