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Storyboard and Script collaboration | Emanuel -

Define, Ideate

This task was made one week before the holiday and a week after the holiday. I ended up working from home the last week as I was the only caregiver of two new kittens that week. So because of that I intended on working on the storyboard, I awaited for Cristian's set up and ideas so I can then illustrate the storyboard. We have run out of space for any media or documents so we will provide links to them. Storyboard 1 Storyboard 2 Storyboard 3 Storyboard 4 Storyboard 5 Storyboard 6 The idea was to almost present the MetaHuman as an actual actor who is presenting our ideas and how wonderful we were to create him. I wrote the script (1) (2) (3) based on Cristian's storyboard and mine, then together with him we edited and shortened it to be about 3 minutes long. This was the setup before the day of recording. This required the motion capture suit, gloves and the IPhone for LiveLinkFace app. We rented the filming studio of Saxion for this.


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